For the most up-to-date information on who is currently at the shelter waiting for a new best friend and furever home, check out our Facebook page. Hope to see you there!
Monday, July 1, 2013
DAWG on Facebook
For the most up-to-date information on who is currently at the shelter waiting for a new best friend and furever home, check out our Facebook page. Hope to see you there!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
It was a "lucky" day for seven puppies, two kittens, two dogs and one older kitten. Buffy and Docu were adopted along with Aspen the sweet 3 month old kitten. Not to jinx any of these adoptions, I will just say it was one heck of a day!! Bless all of the adopters, they will need our blessings. The adopters I spoke to were well aware of what adopting a puppy was going to be like. Puppies are not the easiest beings to get along with. I must say though, I was the perfect puppy. Heh, Heh! More about that at some other time. I hope the puppies don't miss their siblings too much. I'm sure the mom, Hickory, is happy they have new homes. Hickory was an excellent mama, putting up with all those needle sharp teeth. Hopefully she will be going to her forever home after she recuperates. Well I am ready for bedtime, it was a great day, bye, Fluffy
Friday, November 11, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Well another adoption gone bad, 10 days are just not enough for a family or person to get to know a dog and vice versa. People come in to a shelter and see a cute doggie and one, two, three they adopt. Absolutely no thought whatsoever that the dog needs to adjust to their new home too. So Buffy ran away, WOW! and they just didn't want to handle that. I hope they never adopt another dog or cat cuz maybe the dog might bark or have one accident or heaven forbid, get hungry and have to be fed. If it's more than 10 days the shelter won't take it back if it's not Douglas County, then heaven forbid what could happen to that dog. I don't even want to think about that. More in depth interviews of the prospective adopters should be the norm, not just hurry up and adopt. Fluffy O:)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Hi everyone, on All Hallows Eve when the ghouls, zombies, ghosts and anything else you can think of that scares you will be out and about looking to trick you, please have some treats ready! Some other reminders, if you have pets, please put them in a closed room so they won't try to sneak out the open door. Sometimes even the doorbell ringing so many times can make them nervous. So its best to just to give them a treat to occupy them away from the excitement. If you are driving, please be aware of your surroundings, because the little ones sure won't be paying attention. Happy Halloween everyone!! Fluffy
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Fluffy Friends
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Fluffy Speaks
Hi everyone, Fluffy here. I know I've been away for awhile but now I'm back. Lots of things happening. Some good, some bad . I'll talk about the good. My humans are good. I wish all my four legged friends, this includes cats too, had as good a home as me. Some people think that not all dogs and cats deserve a home because maybe they weren't trained or taught good manners when they were young. What these same people do not understand is that with a little time and a lot of patience any dog or cat can become a perfect, lovable, well behaved pet. I was one of those pets who was "dumped" when I was only three months old. I must admit, I was a little mouthy, but I was hit with a newspaper everytime I opened my mouth. I was just a puppy! Whammo! paper wacked over the head. Actually, I was lucky they dumped me because I was chosen from a lot of dogs at the shelter by the people I now live with who saw something good in me. Supper time gotta go now, see ya, Fluffy
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