Cuddle with your new best friend. What better way is there to start a new year than to cuddle with your pet? No pet? Douglas Animal Shelter has just the one you're looking for. Holidays are stressful, a pet can be an incredible source of comfort and warmth. Unconditional love, the more you give, the more you get back. Your blood pressure will drop, your endorphins will increase and mood lifting serotonin will be released in your brain. And your pet will not complain about your bad breath. Happy New Year all!!! Fluffy
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Cuddle with your new best friend. What better way is there to start a new year than to cuddle with your pet? No pet? Douglas Animal Shelter has just the one you're looking for. Holidays are stressful, a pet can be an incredible source of comfort and warmth. Unconditional love, the more you give, the more you get back. Your blood pressure will drop, your endorphins will increase and mood lifting serotonin will be released in your brain. And your pet will not complain about your bad breath. Happy New Year all!!! Fluffy
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Fluffy Speaks
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Fluffy Speaks
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Fluffy Speaks
I've been away for awhile, but I'm back and rarin' to go. Santa needed some help from me so I introduced him to a good friend of mine. This is what she looked like after Santa said he may need her to take Rudolph's place on Christmas eve. Rudy's been a little under the weather and he may not be able to guide the sleigh. Well I have to go and settle her down, see ya, Fluffy

Monday, December 14, 2009
DAWG Unleashed

My name is Scotty. I am a very nice older fellow.
I like walking on a leash, have had all my shots, am
neutered (blush), and have a cool micro-chip
so I can't get lost! But I need a home. Got one?
Monday, December 7, 2009

Hi everyone. DAWG had a fantastic Christmas party last night. Of course no dogs were allowed, so I had to be content to watch from the outside porch, Good thing I had on my fur coat, it was cold. I just drooled when the dishes of food were being brought in. You know dogs have a very keen sense of smell and everyone was especially careful not to spill anything. Maybe there will be some leftovers, I hope, I hope! Everybody was talking and laughing and EATING and warm. But I'm not complaining. It was also a serious meeting, new officers were named and that's a good thing. That means DAWG will be around for another year to make sure all my friends at the shelter will not be forgotten and I know DAWG will find them wonderful homes and take care of their medical needs. Good luck to all the new officers and thank you so very much to the ones leaving. You did a wonderful job in 2009! Woof, woof, woof and purr, purr purr!!!
Hi everyone. DAWG had a fantastic Christmas party last night. Of course no dogs were allowed, so I had to be content to watch from the outside porch, Good thing I had on my fur coat, it was cold. I just drooled when the dishes of food were being brought in. You know dogs have a very keen sense of smell and everyone was especially careful not to spill anything. Maybe there will be some leftovers, I hope, I hope! Everybody was talking and laughing and EATING and warm. But I'm not complaining. It was also a serious meeting, new officers were named and that's a good thing. That means DAWG will be around for another year to make sure all my friends at the shelter will not be forgotten and I know DAWG will find them wonderful homes and take care of their medical needs. Good luck to all the new officers and thank you so very much to the ones leaving. You did a wonderful job in 2009! Woof, woof, woof and purr, purr purr!!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Hi everyone, WOW, did you see the tv program with Christmas, the dog? I'm in love! He is a great looking dog. Sort of an escape artist though. I guess being in a shelter might make you want to look for a better place to live. Dig we must... Smart too, knows sit, lay down, retrieves, but not too smart going after that big cat. Well he did find a good home, if only all the cats and dogs in shelters could be as lucky as him. Hope he got over his wanderlust and stayed put. See ya, Fluffy
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Fluffy Speaks
Hi everyone, yesterday was an unreal weather day, wind, wind and more wind. Couldn't control my flopping ears. However today, Saturday, was another story. Today was our Bow-Wow Boutique Sale and the weather was perfect. Lots of people buying gifts for their furry friends. I must say it was all worth the hard work of all our VERY dedicated volunteers. You could search the world over and not find a more hard working, fun loving bunch of people. Speaking for all the dogs and cats and puppies and kitties " We LOVE YOU!!! WOOF,
WOOF, MEOW, MEOW!! See Ya, Fluffy
Friday, November 13, 2009
Hi everyone, whew! what a day. Friday the 13th. I'm glad it's almost over. Mind you, I am not superstitious, well, maybe a little. Anyway, I found a great way to relax. Pet your dog or cat! Not only will it relax you, but it will lower your blood pressure. And your pet will really enjoy the attention. Study after study shows that petting or even talking to your pet brings blood pressure down and keeps it down as long as the contact with the pet continues. Sure beats eating garlic and broccoli which also bring down your blood pressure. No dog or cat? Check your local animal shelters. They have plenty for adoption.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hi, one of my lucky friends, lucky because he was sprung from the shelter, sent me an e-mail today. He is one happy dog, got his own recliner in front of the fire place, gets to go on nice long walks, he even gets gourmet food, so he tells me. Wow, he is lucky!! I wish all the shel
ter animals could find a home like that. Gotta run, see ya!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thanksgiving is coming soon, and this holiday
prompts us to think about what in our lives
we are thankful for. But you don't have to wait
for this once a year reminder. A furry face looking
up at you with unconditional love will make you
feel thankful every minute of every day.
Let DAWG help you find your perfect shelter pet.

Sat. Nov. 14
Adoption Event at Petco
11 AM to 3:30 PM
Hwy 395 & Topsy Lane (map)
Questions? Call us at 775-267-7325
prompts us to think about what in our lives
we are thankful for. But you don't have to wait
for this once a year reminder. A furry face looking
up at you with unconditional love will make you
feel thankful every minute of every day.
Let DAWG help you find your perfect shelter pet.

Sat. Nov. 14
Adoption Event at Petco
11 AM to 3:30 PM
Hwy 395 & Topsy Lane (map)
Questions? Call us at 775-267-7325
adoption event,
animal rescue,
animal shelters,
dog rescue,
Saturday, October 24, 2009

One of the best things my "people" did for me, besides
spring me from that smelly, cold kennel, was to install
a doggie door when I was a puppy. No more bouncing
up and down to let your pet in or out. Now I can check
out what's happening in the neighborhood, no more
jumping on the furniture to get a look see out the
window. Check it out!!
See ya! Fluffy

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Fluffy on a Successful Adoption Event

It was a real DAWG's day out at the shelter today!
Seven dogs, a kitten, and a cat have new homes today.
Thanks to Kathy R and all her hard working "DAWGIES"

adoption event,
animal rescue,
animal shelters,
dog rescue,
Thursday, October 15, 2009

DAWG ran an ad on Betty
looking for a a new home
or a foster home. But she's
going to the best home of all!
Her owners saw the ad and
are picking her up today.
Yeah, Betty! We're so
happy for you.

DAWG ran an ad on Betty
looking for a a new home
or a foster home. But she's
going to the best home of all!
Her owners saw the ad and
are picking her up today.
Yeah, Betty! We're so
happy for you.
DAWG is lucky enough to have Susan C as a member.
She's a wonderful photographer and spends a lot of time
getting shots for our website. All of her photos are great,
but sometimes the click of the camera shutter captures
some particularly awesome shots.
Such was the case with Frank and Herbert. We are not
usually able to let the dogs play together. But Frank and
Herbert came into the shelter together and because of
a lack of room, they were sharing a kennel. So they
obviously got along and it was safe to let them play
together in the exercise yard. Just look at the results.

Didn't Susan capture the magic of these two dogs!
To find out more about Frank, Herbert, and the many
other dogs and cats waiting for forever homes, go to
the DAWG website.
She's a wonderful photographer and spends a lot of time
getting shots for our website. All of her photos are great,
but sometimes the click of the camera shutter captures
some particularly awesome shots.
Such was the case with Frank and Herbert. We are not
usually able to let the dogs play together. But Frank and
Herbert came into the shelter together and because of
a lack of room, they were sharing a kennel. So they
obviously got along and it was safe to let them play
together in the exercise yard. Just look at the results.

Didn't Susan capture the magic of these two dogs!
To find out more about Frank, Herbert, and the many
other dogs and cats waiting for forever homes, go to
the DAWG website.
animal rescue,
animal shelters,
dog rescue,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hi. I'm Betty
and I'm blind.
I was picked
up wandering
aimlessly on a
busy road. I was
very lucky to
not get hit by
one of the many
cars that passed
me by—without
stopping to help.
But then I heard
the sound of a
vehicle braking
and a door opening.
Suddenly, there were gentle hands petting me and scooping
me up.
Now I'm in the shelter. It was pretty scary at first, but it was
clean and there was food, water, and a bed with a thick quilt.
I'm in a fairly small kennel, so it didn't take me long to learn
my territory. I did get a few bruises on my nose until I had
the wall locations firmly fixed in my mind. Then I located
the flap to the outside. That's good because I'm very house-
trained and was pleased to find a place where I could do
my business.
I'm a sweet, loving girl who walks well on leash (with
guidance, of course). I learn very quickly and would make
a grand addition to your family.
Is there a place in your heart for me?
There's plenty of room in mine for you!
Visit the DAWG website to learn more about me.

Hi. I'm Betty
and I'm blind.
I was picked
up wandering
aimlessly on a
busy road. I was
very lucky to
not get hit by
one of the many
cars that passed
me by—without
stopping to help.
But then I heard
the sound of a
vehicle braking
and a door opening.
Suddenly, there were gentle hands petting me and scooping
me up.
Now I'm in the shelter. It was pretty scary at first, but it was
clean and there was food, water, and a bed with a thick quilt.
I'm in a fairly small kennel, so it didn't take me long to learn
my territory. I did get a few bruises on my nose until I had
the wall locations firmly fixed in my mind. Then I located
the flap to the outside. That's good because I'm very house-
trained and was pleased to find a place where I could do
my business.
I'm a sweet, loving girl who walks well on leash (with
guidance, of course). I learn very quickly and would make
a grand addition to your family.
Is there a place in your heart for me?
There's plenty of room in mine for you!
Visit the DAWG website to learn more about me.

Tommy went for a 10-mile
ride today without getting
sick. He loves to ride with
his head out the window and
his ears flapping in the wind.
He smiled the whole way.
This was a real milestone for Tommy. At first, he
couldn't make it even a quarter mile. But he's always
up for a ride anyway.
Tommy is still looking for a forever home. To learn
more about this wonderful dog, see our Sept. 7 blog
and also go to the DAWG website.
animal rescue,
animal shelters,
dog rescue,
Introducing Fluffy the DAWG

Hi. I'm Fluffy the DAWG. I've been
the DAWG mascot for many years
now and it's always been a great joy
to help the cats, dogs, and DAWG

And now DAWG has a blog,
and I get to share my thoughts
with the world! You'll be
hearing from me regularly.
In fact, let's start right now.

- By Fluffy the DAWG
Please look at me, don't turn away . . .
Just touch my cage, brighten my day.
Reach out your hand, give a gentle touch,
Please take me home — I won't ask for much!
We'll talk again soon.
animal rescue,
animal shelters,
dog rescue,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Danny and Harley have been at the shelter for a long, long
time. But not any more!
At long last, both Danny and Harley found forever homes,
thanks in large part to the never-ending efforts of the DAWG
volunteers, including these wonderful ads.

A special thanks to Dina (Harley's advocate) and to
Dottie (Danny's advocate) who took these dogs on as
their special projects, taking them to adoption events,
running ads, handing out flyers, and while waiting for
happy results, spending lots of time walking, playing
with, training, and taking these fine fellows for rides
(often through the drive-through of a burger joint or
to their homes for a little family time) to give them a
much-needed break from shelter life.
There are, of course, many more pets waiting for
homes. And there's always a need for volunteers to
help keep these wonderful critters sane while they're
waiting. Browse the DAWG website to see if your
perfect pet might just be there. And also think about
joining DAWG and entering the very rewarding
world of volunteering. Until you've been there, you
just can't imagine the incredible joy it can bring
to your life.
time. But not any more!
At long last, both Danny and Harley found forever homes,
thanks in large part to the never-ending efforts of the DAWG
volunteers, including these wonderful ads.

A special thanks to Dina (Harley's advocate) and to
Dottie (Danny's advocate) who took these dogs on as
their special projects, taking them to adoption events,
running ads, handing out flyers, and while waiting for
happy results, spending lots of time walking, playing
with, training, and taking these fine fellows for rides
(often through the drive-through of a burger joint or
to their homes for a little family time) to give them a
much-needed break from shelter life.
There are, of course, many more pets waiting for
homes. And there's always a need for volunteers to
help keep these wonderful critters sane while they're
waiting. Browse the DAWG website to see if your
perfect pet might just be there. And also think about
joining DAWG and entering the very rewarding
world of volunteering. Until you've been there, you
just can't imagine the incredible joy it can bring
to your life.
animal rescue,
animal shelters,
dog rescue,

This is Cardigan.
Quite a handsome boy, isn't he!
And a happy boy, too.
But he's not always so happy.
He spends a lot of time in his
kennel waiting for a volunteer
to take him out for a while.
And when that happens, THE GAME IS ON!!!!

And it keeps going on until it's time to go back
into the his kennel—with an occasional time out
for a breather.

Boy, would Cardigan ever love it if he didn't have to
go back to his kennel. It would be so much better
if he could go to his forever home. Can you help
Cardigan find that home?
Go to the DAWG website to get more information
on Cardigan and the other wonderful critters who
are waiting for someone to adopt them.
animal rescue,
animal shelters,
dog rescue,
doggie classifieds
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is Ellie who was recently adopted
from the shelter. Ellie was one of the
four "Antelope Valley" dogs remaining
at the shelter.
Who are the "Antelope Valley" dogs?
Well, at the beginning of the year, the
shelter became involved in helping a man
living in Antelope Valley who had started with a couple of
dogs, but then had about 28 at best guess. A few of the dogs
were comfortable with people, but most of them had pretty
much kept their distance. The shelter managed to capture
most of the dogs on leashes and bring them into the shelter
for rehab and adoption. But four of the dogs were virtually
feral and they had to be trapped.
That's what was done and in mid-February, Ellie, Jamie,
Tammy, and Heather arrived at the shelter. For months
all that could be done for these terrified animals was to
sit outside their kennels reading or talking softly to them
and very slowly getting them to accept treats, and then
petting, and a leash, and a walk, and so on. Once we managed
to get them out of their kennels, they had to be familiarized
with the domestic world. There was very little they weren't
afraid of. Walking on a tiled floor was terrifying, as was their
reaction to so many common, every day activities: turning
on a water faucet, opening the fridge door, flushing the toilet,
sounds from the TV.
But the months passed and these wonderful dogs flourished.
They finally reached the point where they would ride in a car,
so they could be taken to the vet for spaying. And then, at last,
available for adoption. Ellie was first, followed by Jamie.
Heather and Tammy aren't quite ready yet, but will be soon.
So what has this got to do with a lost dog? Well, Ellie was
adopted into a wonderful home—a DAWG-member family.
She was doing very well, but early one morning discovered
a window open far enough for her to slip out. A quick search
did not find her, so DAWG was called into action. DAWG
members living in the immediate area acted first, and the
search was on.
From the title, you know how this turned out. Judy L, a
long-time DAWG member and volunteer at the shelter who
had worked with the Antelope Valley dogs from the beginning,
was searching the streets when she saw the familiar face
strolling along. She stopped her car and got out and gave
a call to Ellie. Ellie, happy to see a familiar face, came right
over, a smile on her face and tail wagging.
So Ellie has been reunited with her family who are so very,
very happy. Just how cool is that!
P.S. The man who had the dogs originally was not left
alone. He kept three dogs who have now been spayed
and neutered.
animal rescue,
animal shelters,
dog rescue,
lost dogs,
Sunday, September 27, 2009
So many cats — so little time. But that doesn't stop
Sue (just one of DAWG's "cat ladies")from giving
this bundle of kittens all the love they need.

But they still need forever homes. Help Sue
(and Kathie and Cheryl, our other cat ladies)
by giving a loving home to one of these kittens,
or one of the adult cats also waiting at the shelter.
Boo is still a kitten (about 5 months now).
Sue calls her a "lover kitten."

Ramey is a purr machine—just a total lap cat.
Rena is so cute with that exclamation point on
her nose. She's shy but very sweet. Both are
spayed and ready to go home.

So put a little love in your life.
Adopt a shelter cat—or two!
Sue (just one of DAWG's "cat ladies")from giving
this bundle of kittens all the love they need.

But they still need forever homes. Help Sue
(and Kathie and Cheryl, our other cat ladies)
by giving a loving home to one of these kittens,
or one of the adult cats also waiting at the shelter.
Boo is still a kitten (about 5 months now).
Sue calls her a "lover kitten."

Ramey is a purr machine—just a total lap cat.
Rena is so cute with that exclamation point on
her nose. She's shy but very sweet. Both are
spayed and ready to go home.

So put a little love in your life.
Adopt a shelter cat—or two!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
DAWG Event at Petco
October is National Adopt a Shelter Pet" month. What perfect timing to adopt!
Let DAWG help you find your perfect shelter pet.
Sat. Oct. 10
Adoption Event at Petco: 11 AM to 3:30 PM
Hwy 395 & Topsy Lane (map)
Questions? Call us at 775-267-7325

Sat. Oct. 10
Adoption Event at Petco: 11 AM to 3:30 PM
Hwy 395 & Topsy Lane (map)
Questions? Call us at 775-267-7325
A Love Story
I am new to blogging. In fact, this will be my first ever blog, but I'm quite sure it won't be my last. I now take my camera along when I'm headed toward the shelter and I'm thrilled to be able to share some of the many wonderful encounters that always seem to happen there. I hope many of you will consider volunteering. It will bring great joy to your life.

This is Miley. Isn't she beautiful! I snapped this shot last Wednesday. This is pretty typical of what we see when we enter the kennel area. All the dogs are very excited to see us and ready to get out for a breath of fresh air.
I know many of you might think that it's just too hard to see these wonderful creatures locked up. I understand that. But think about this: While waiting for their forever homes, they can either be locked up 24/7 or they can get out every day to walk, play, swim in the kiddie pool, get brushed, get lots of love, and sometimes even a little car trip for a burger. Take a look at the "lovefest" below to get a feel for how important this is not only for the pets but for the people.

These shots were taken during just a few minutes of the time my husband Terry and I spent with Miley before moving on to other dogs and for Terry, some cats, too. (I'm allergic to cats so must look on from afar.)
I'm so glad I had the chance to spend this time with Miley. I just found out that she was adopted today into a wonderful home. It's a mixed bag. This is just what we want to happen, but you still can't help missing them. Have a wonderful life, Miley. We'll be thinking about you. Tina D.

This is Miley. Isn't she beautiful! I snapped this shot last Wednesday. This is pretty typical of what we see when we enter the kennel area. All the dogs are very excited to see us and ready to get out for a breath of fresh air.
I know many of you might think that it's just too hard to see these wonderful creatures locked up. I understand that. But think about this: While waiting for their forever homes, they can either be locked up 24/7 or they can get out every day to walk, play, swim in the kiddie pool, get brushed, get lots of love, and sometimes even a little car trip for a burger. Take a look at the "lovefest" below to get a feel for how important this is not only for the pets but for the people.

These shots were taken during just a few minutes of the time my husband Terry and I spent with Miley before moving on to other dogs and for Terry, some cats, too. (I'm allergic to cats so must look on from afar.)
I'm so glad I had the chance to spend this time with Miley. I just found out that she was adopted today into a wonderful home. It's a mixed bag. This is just what we want to happen, but you still can't help missing them. Have a wonderful life, Miley. We'll be thinking about you. Tina D.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Help DAWG win the Shelter Challenge

The fall Animal Rescue Site and Petfinder Shelter Challenge is up and running. DAWG could win up to $20,000!

Sign up for the "Daily Click Reminders" and you'll never forget to vote.
We have narrowly lost out twice to another rescue group. Don't let it happen again!
And when the contest is over on December 20, keep clicking every day as your "clicks" provide food and care for needy animals. It's a win-win!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
DAWG event at Petco
Thinking about adopting a dog? Come to the DAWG meet 'n' greet.
Sat. Sept. 12
Adoption Event at Petco: 11 AM to 3:30 PM
Hwy 395 & Topsy Lane (map)
Questions? Call us at 775-267-7325

Adoption Event at Petco: 11 AM to 3:30 PM
Hwy 395 & Topsy Lane (map)
Questions? Call us at 775-267-7325
Monday, September 7, 2009
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