Monday, December 27, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Max Kramer Hogan Calypso
Hi everyone, some of our great dogs looking for a home for the holidays and beyond. Surely one of you can find room in your heart and home for a four legged friend. You will be saving a life and making your own life better too! Say Fluffy sent you. You will not be sorry. Douglas County Animal Shelter, Gardnerville, NV Bye
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Teddy Otter
Hi everyone, DAWG had a great Christmas party last night, was a fun time, really, really good food and lots of it. Yesterday was also a Petco adoption event. Sadie, a beautiful Cocker Spaniel was adopted, lucky her. Wiggles and Floyd have a good chance at finding homes too! We'll keep our fingers "paws" crossed that they get adopted too. Teddy and Otter pictured here weren't so lucky. Maybe next time. Thanks to all of the DAWG volunteers at Petco.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Hi everyone, we had a fantastic day at our shelter event yesterday. Curly, Sage, Lizzie, Wriggley, Tabitha and Maude were all adopted. They will be waiting for Santa in their own homes on Christmas Eve. I hope he can find them all. They have been very good dogs and cats. Don't know the secret to what brought all the people in to adopt, the weather wasn't that great. But hey, I'm not complaining. Wish it would happen more often. Till the next time, Fluffy and my BFF Ginger
Friday, November 26, 2010
Whoa, I hope everyone had as fantastic a thanksgiving as me. Had to run around the block a couple of times with my people. Overeating can make you do that. Now if you were smart you would adopt a couple of dogs. They can take care of leftovers in no time and you might not have to run it off. There are plenty of "hungry" dogs at your shelter, hungry not only for food but love and a warm place to sleep. Come on people, adopt a pet soon. Time for my nap, bye, Fluffy
Monday, November 1, 2010
Hi, got the word Bruno along with Alfie, Ava, Ginger and Lucky are going to be movie stars. These dogs have been looking for homes it seems forever. Our local tv cable channel will be airing their pictures and bios. Not sure yet when. As soon as I can get pictures of the others you'll see them here. If you are interested check out Fluffy
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Hi all, Fuffy has just been takin it easy, don't wanna overdo anything in this warm weather. DAWG had a nice event today to try to get some dogs and cats homes. Luna and Kali (dogs)went to new homes and Sarah, Rose and Willie (cats) were also adopted. YIPPEE!!! Thank you to all those hard working DAWGS. Bye, from the Fluffy one!
Friday, July 16, 2010

Hi, some of my friends (the dogs)getting much needed baths at the shelter so they look really good for the DAWG Pitbull adoption event on Sunday. The chubby guy, he's not a Pitbull, but he got a bath anyway. The DAWG volunteer washers were eyeing me so I got outta there real quick. All the dogs were very well behaved. We hope they all find good homes. See ya, Fluffy
Friday, July 2, 2010
I'm baaaack!! I am on a new mission, to find a great buddy of mine a foster home. This guy really needs to find a forever home, but that's not going to well. My hope is to get him into a foster home so he can be seen living in normal circumstances, hopefully with a family with other pets and kids and a large fenced yard. Being cooped up in a kennel most of the time doesn't help his image any. When he is introduced to people he is just so happy and excited to be out of the kennel, I think it scares the potential adopters. Living in a foster home will be as close to being in a forever home as we can get for now. Bruno is five, neutered, playful, housetrained, knows basic commands and is a really great dog. Contact me at 775-267-1484 if you can foster Bruno. Thanks, Fluffy
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hi everyone, sorry for not being around for a while. Kind a been busy trying to find Bruno a home. If you don't know Bruno, you are missing a truly great dog. Just because he's an active dog, he sort of overwhelms people. A couch potato he's not, although I do have to say, if he gets enough excersise he can put in the z's as well as anyone. He definitely needs people who will take him swimming, hiking and play ball with him. Bruno is a five year old Mastiff/Lab mix, neutered, gets along with everyone including cats. Loves to go for rides in the car. Housetrained. Check with the DAWG people at 775-267-7325 if you think you can make a forever home for this wonderful dog. Thanks, Fluffy
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hi, let me introduce you to Roxy, a sweet Border Collie/Pit mix, 2 years old, soon to be a mama. With a small stretch of the imagination, you could say that she is a "designer dog". Or, you could call her a "MUTT". I personally prefer MUTT. I think mutts are the greatest thing that ever happened to the canine world. Why would anyone want to spend big bucks on a pure bred dog that looks like all the other ones of the same breed, when you can get a one of a kind look for a lot less money. Just my opinion, Fluffy, the mutt.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hey, I was just looking at the ads in my local newpaper and I was amazed at the "new" breeds that have become popular. Cockapoo, Labradoodle, Cockaliers, Shepadoodle, Labrastiff, now there's one for the books. And they are asking big bucks for those mutts. In case you were not sure, that is exactly what those "new" breeds are, MUTTS. I have nothing against mutts, mutts are some of my best friends. What bothers me is the fact you can get all those breeds at your local shelter, maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but a heck-of-a-lot cheaper than buying them from a pet shop. These so-called "designer" dogs are a waste of your money. Go to your local shelter and adopt a "designer" mutt. You will save money and a life. Fluffy
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hi people, I know a great dog, he's big and friendly and needs a home with people and dogs and he may even like to have a cat or two around. Loves rides in the car, stopping for burgers and fries and he's always got his favorite kong with him. To him heaven would be all of those things I just mentioned. If you know of anyone who would like to give this dog a home, leave a comment with me and how to reach you. Thanks, Fluffy
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Hey, this is a picture of one of my good buds who is still stuck in the Douglas County Animal Shelter. Wow!! talk about bad luck this little guy sure stepped in it. He's been adopted and returned all because some people just don't have patience. You can't expect an animal who has been dumped and heaven knows what else has happened to him, to just be a perfect little man when he goes to a new home.. Like I said, it takes a lot of patience. He has been spending time with one of our volunteers at her home and she has nothing but compliments about him. He dances and sings and is a perfect gentleman and I think he is a rather good looking guy. For info about Sid, call the DAWG phone at 775-267-7325. See ya! Fluffy
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
OK this will be the last Mutt Mood lifter. It's about smells, oops, perhaps I should say scents. You know how nice it is to go into a bakery, the smell, oops, aroma of fresh baked goods, yum. Well, dogs have very keen senses of smell, much better than humans, so doesn't it make sense to treat your pet to certain scents? Vanilla extract is a good one. A few drops on your pet's favorite chew toy and he will be exstatic. Dogs also like the aromas of anise and don't forget fox urine. Well maybe forgetting that last one would be wise, especially indoors. Happy sniffing, folks. Gotta run, bye, Fluffy
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Mutt Mood Lifters
Hi, I'm back. Sorry about the delay, but you know how it goes. So many thing to sniff. There's just not enough hours in the day and you thought dogs couldn't tell time. OK, now, back to mood lifters for pets. Music, yes, music. Play the kind of music YOU listen to when you're at home. Your dog is listening too! If you could make a recording of your voice, maybe telling him to get off the sofa or just regular household noises, it would make him feel more comfortable when you are not around. That may even soothe him, worth the try, right? Let me know how this goes, see ya Fluffy
Monday, January 4, 2010
Mutt Mood Lifters
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Mutt Mood Lifters
Dogs get depressed, too. Here's a "pupper upper" Watch Comedy Central together! Dogs are social animals. They notice if their owners are glum and they reflect that behavior. If you want your dog to be more optimistic, start by smiling yourself, or at least talking to your dog in an upbeat voice. More later on perking up your pooch. Keep smiling, bye, Fluffy
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