Wednesday, January 20, 2010

OK this will be the last Mutt Mood lifter. It's about smells, oops, perhaps I should say scents. You know how nice it is to go into a bakery, the smell, oops, aroma of fresh baked goods, yum. Well, dogs have very keen senses of smell, much better than humans, so doesn't it make sense to treat your pet to certain scents? Vanilla extract is a good one. A few drops on your pet's favorite chew toy and he will be exstatic. Dogs also like the aromas of anise and don't forget fox urine. Well maybe forgetting that last one would be wise, especially indoors. Happy sniffing, folks. Gotta run, bye, Fluffy

1 comment:

Tina said...

Love the mutt mood lifters. Anything to keep our furry friends happy.